CERB Extended and New Recovery Benefits


The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) has been extended an additional four weeks until the end of September, to continue to provide support to people whose businesses have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Once the CERB winds down, those who qualify will be transitioned to regular employment insurance (EI) which will include greater flexibility on the work hours required for EI, making it easier for people to qualify for a one-year period.

Those who do not qualify for EI will have access to up to $400 a week for up to 26 weeks if they have stopped working or have had reduced incomes due to COVID-19.

Under these new benefits, the recipients can continue to earn money, but will be required to repay 50 cents of every dollar earned above $38,000.

A second new benefit will provide 10 days of paid sick leave to any worker in Canada who falls ill or has to self-isolate due to COVID-19, providing $500 per month.

A third benefit will support Canadians who must stay home to care for a child under 12 or another dependent because their school, daycare or other day program facility is shut down due to COVID. People who choose to keep their kids home even though the facility is open will not qualify, unless they provide proof there is a medical reason to do so such as an immunodeficiency disorder.

These benefits require parliamentary approval, and Parliament is currently prorogued until Sept. 23, when the House of Commons will begin a new session with a speech from the throne crafted by the Liberal government.

Applications for this benefit is scheduled to open in October, with payments being made in 3 to 5 days.

Tags: cerb, covid-19, financial support