RMTAO BlogViews from our Departing Board Members

Views from our Departing Board Members


The RMTAO is governed by a Board of Directors made up of members of the association. Members of the Board of Directors serve for a three-year term. The three members who will be leaving the Board of Directors this year are Deborah Coburn, Dylan Crake and Erin Pierson. We interviewed them to learn more about their experiences on the Board.

If you are interested in joining the Board, nominations are currently open and the deadline is November 7, 2024. Click here to learn more about the requirements and expectations of the RMTAO Board of Directors and to access a nomination form.

Why do you think the Board is important?

Deborah: The Board is crucial because it is the voice of Massage Therapists across Ontario, working to determine the future of our profession. Being part of this group makes you feel like you're directly helping our profession grow and stay strong. Also, it allows us to advocate for policies that protect and elevate the work we do as health care providers.

Dylan: The Board is important because we're RMTs and we know/understand what is going on in the RMT culture at that moment. We can take what other RMTs are feeling in Ontario as well as our own experiences and help create ideas for the RMTAO.

Erin: The board is like a think tank for the whole profession. This group is deeply invested in the success of RMTs at an individual and group level.  

How has being on the Board helped you learn and grow?

Deborah: Serving on the Board has been very rewarding. I’ve learned about governance and regulation, which I honestly didn’t fully understand before.  More importantly, I’ve developed a broader understanding of leadership, especially in collaborative decision-making. The different experiences and skills of my fellow board members have pushed me to think in new ways.

Dylan: I've actually learned more about the policy side of the RMT world and I'm able to make sense of longer documents and also understand why they're important to be there.

Erin: It has been both an honour and a privilege to be on the RMTAO Board of Directors. I had no previous board experience but really wanted to be a part of the RMT community in a different capacity and this spoke to me. It has given me additional perspective of our profession and really helped me to further understand how RMTs fit into the bigger picture of health care. It also helped me to see that my opinions have value and that my opinion can have a real impact. Also, the talent attracted to this board is wonderful to be around.

Why would you recommend that others consider joining the Board?

Deborah: I recommend joining the Board if you’re passionate about making a difference in the massage therapy profession. It's a chance to get involved at a strategic level, where your voice can influence decisions that affect all massage therapists in Ontario. 

Dylan: You get to see the backstage of what's going on within your association. If I hadn't joined the Board, I would have no clue how much the RMTAO actually does with not only RMTs in Ontario, but with other RMTs across the province, other HCPs and insurance companies for example.

Erin: The board encourages the viewpoints of all its members. If you have a particular interest in the success of RMTs at both the individual level, and the profession as a whole, this is going to be your jam. It does require a bit of a time commitment but nothing that isn’t manageable. And it’s a very rewarding commitment to be a part of.

What will you miss about being on the Board?

Deborah: Honestly, I’ll miss the sense of team comradery. Working alongside such dedicated and inspiring RMTs has been one of the most fulfilling aspects of being on the Board. I’ll also miss the enthusiasm and thrill that comes from working on important initiatives together. It’s been an amazing experience watching our ideas become action that are shaping our profession in this province.

Dylan: I will miss the people. It was always nice meeting up every few months, catching up and seeing how we were all doing.

Erin: The wonderful discussions. The ability to make a difference in the future of the profession and the association. The camaraderie of the group. Getting to focus for a whole weekend at a time on matters at hand every 3 months. It’s been such a lovely privilege.

What has been your most memorable moment during your time on the Board?

Deborah: It’s tough to choose just one moment, as each meeting over the last three years has been special in its own way. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved together, from starting important projects to seeing positive changes in our field, the whole journey has been full of moments that remind me why I wanted to join the Board in the first place. Leaving the Board is a mix of pride and sadness for me—I feel proud of our accomplishments, but also a bit sad that this part of my journey is ending

Dylan: When I became the Secretary and that meant I got to speak at the AGM. I love public speaking and feel like that is where I shine the most. So it was nice speaking to my fellow peers and engaging with them.

Erin: Nothing in particular but being a part of something meaningful has given me great pleasure.

What has surprised you about your experience on the Board?

Deborah: I was surprised by almost every part of the experience. Before joining, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect or what my role would be, but I soon understood the wide range of issues the Board deals with. From dealing with rules and regulations to making big plans, the decisions we have to make are much more complex than I thought. I was also happily surprised by how much teamwork and discussion there is—we really work together as a group to handle important, often detailed, issues that could impact all RMTs in Ontario.

Dylan: How quickly the meetings always popped up. But also how much we can cover in the span of one weekend.

Erin: I learned I’m not good at some things that I just assumed I would be good at, but the group organically helped me understand where my strengths are.

Any other information you'd like to share?

Deborah: I would add that serving on the Board has been an incredible journey, and I’m truly grateful for the experience. If you’re considering joining, my advice is to go for it.

Dylan:  I've enjoyed my time on the Board immensely and will miss the other members of the Board.

Erin: I would definitely like to come back in a couple of years time if elected, when my life slows down a bit, I just have too much on my plate. This was a hard decision not to run again but I know that new perspectives and skillsets are coming our way!

Tags: board of directors, board nominations