Opioid and Pain Reduction Collaborative - RMT Guidance


Massage therapy, along with many other manual therapies are recommended as an effective alternative to opioids in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain.3 Although RMTs cannot directly discuss prescriptions, including opioids, with their patients as it is outside of the massage therapy scope of practice, RMTs can work together with their patients to help guide them through conversations with their prescribing provider. RMTs can also work closely with the prescribing provider to help guide their own treatment planning.

Many RMTs might not know how to approach a conversation with their patients when their patients ask about the opioids they are prescribed, other than stating that prescriptions are outside of an RMT’s scope of practice. While discussing medication prescription and providing advice about medications to patients is outside of the massage Scope of Practice, RMTs are expected to engage in conversations about medications when necessary to establish safe and ethical treatment plans. 

In collaboration with the Ontario Chiropractic Association (OCA), as part of the Opioid and Pain Reduction Collaborative, we have created this RMT Guidance to help you through discussions of opioids with your patients while keeping within your scope of practice and offering your patients the best possible care. 

Download the Opioid and Pain Reduction Collaborative - RMT Guidance 

We will continue to meet regularly with the OCA in the coming weeks to develop further opportunities to help RMTs effectively communicate with their patients about opioids. 

Tags: opioids, collaboration, guidance