Massage Therapy Awareness Week 2019


Massage Therapy Awareness Week is October 20-26, 2019, and this year to celebrate the RMTAO will be featuring profiles from several outstanding Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) in Ontario who work in unique environments or treat unique populations.

Massage therapy is beneficial to help people recover from an illness or injury, manage the physical symptoms of mental health issues, remain active, mobile and pain free, and improve their quality of life.

The RMTs we will be highlighting work in hospitals, with professional sports teams, with populations with particular illnesses or conditions, and in various other unique circumstances that may not be familiar to the public.

“Everyday, thousands of RMTs across Ontario help patients manage their pain, increase their mobility, and keep participating in the activities they love,” said Eve Adams, Executive Director and CEO of the RMTAO. “This week, we’re highlighting some of the extraordinary work RMTs do, whether that’s helping children with a serious illness improve their quality of life, or helping athletes who rely on their healthy bodies to pursue their livelihood and their dreams, RMTs are critical to improving patient healthcare.”

Research shows that massage therapy is a great option for pain relief, both for chronic and acute conditions. RMTs are regulated health professionals, and they are able to adapt their treatments for individuals of all ages and conditions. RMTs work with individuals in a variety of settings to ensure that they get the treatment that’s right for them.

This Massage Therapy Awareness Week we will be highlighting RMTs who have helped patients in unique environments on our social media channels, and inviting people to share how #RMThelps. Visit us on Facebook and Twitter, and share our Massage Therapy Awareness Week posts with your networks to spread the word about the various ways massage therapy can help.

To learn more about massage therapy in Ontario, visit

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