Contents tagged with benefits of massage therapy

  • Massage Therapy for Fashion Victims

    “Beauty is pain”, right? Many of us are familiar enough with the feeling of hobbling around after a night in high heels or the dull ache that comes from carrying around a heavy yet stylish purse, but … more

  • Massage Therapy for the Sitting Culture

    The typical 9 to 5 office job involves a lot of sitting. Sure, everyone’s heard of standing or walking desks, but most people don’t have them. Even if you want to get up and walk around, or stretch … more

  • Massage Therapy for Stress

    Everyone feels stress from time to time, whether it’s personally, professionally, or as a response to specific events. Stress is not a pleasant feeling, and sometimes it lingers over several days, … more

  • Massage Therapy for a Peaceful Night's Sleep

    Insomnia is a common problem for people at all stages of life. In Canada, more than 50% of women and 43% of men have problems falling asleep or staying asleep, and about one-third of Canadians aren’t … more

  • Massage Therapy for Pain-Free Chores

    Nobody really likes doing chores, but they need to get done. Everyone has their own system for making their chores a little easier, or ways to cope with that chore they like the least, but chores can … more

  • Video: Orthopaedic Testing and RMTs

    This video outlines the orthopaedic testing massage therapists perform to get to the root of the problem and get you back on track faster.                            


  • Massage Therapy and Palliative Care

    Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to care for people with life-threatening illnesses, no matter the prognosis, and focuses on improving the quality of life of both the patients and … more

  • Massage Therapy in the Workplace

    Sitting at a desk and looking at a computer all day can be a real pain in the neck – and a pain in many other parts of your body. Sitting, or even standing all day can be rough on the body, and … more