Contents tagged with benefits of massage therapy

  • Meet Alex

    Alex went from not being able to walk, to running 10k.

    Alex's roller coaster of health issues began with a seizure in 2017, just before his 23rd birthday. His brain was inflamed, and after a myriad … more

  • Infographic: Massage Therapy and Back Pain

    This infographic outlines the benefits of massage therapy for low back pain. It goes over how massage therapy can help and excersises you can do as well as other steps you can take to alleviate … more

  • Infographic: Massage Therapy for Arthritis

    This infographic outlines the benefits of massage therapy for arthritis. This includes types of arthritis, symptoms that can be improved by massage therapy and what a massage therapy treatment for … more

  • Infographic: Massage Therapy and Pregnancy

    Infographic outlining the benefits of massage therapy during pregnancy. This infographic outlines the ways massage therapy can safely and effectively treat common symptoms associated with pregnancy. … more

  • Infographic: Massage Therapy and Headaches

    This infographic promotes massage therapy to relieve headaches. This includes types of headaches, exercises heat vs. cold and ways that massage therapy can help relieve your headache pain.          … more

  • Massage Therapy for Work-Related Pain

    We spend a lot of time at work, and sometimes work can lead to injuries that negatively impact every element of our lives. It can be our work tasks, or the way we do them, that have a lasting … more

  • Massage Therapy for Weekend Warriors

    TGIF! The weekend arrives and you get out and shake off the work week with your favourite activity such as cycling, running, or mountain biking. You figure exercise can only be good for you and you … more