Contents tagged with benefits of massage therapy

  • Meet Christine

    Christine is a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), and her very physical job can take a toll on her body. She spends her 12-hour shifts on her feet, bending, turning and twisting when providing care or … more

  • Meet Kathie

    Kathie experienced neck pain for at least 15 years – first made worse from her years working in potentially uncomfortable positions sitting at a desk, and after she retired it was further aggravated … more

  • Massage Therapy for Headaches

    Everyone has experienced a headache at some point in their life, often as a result of muscle tension or stress. Many Canadians experience chronic headaches of various types, which can limit their … more

  • Massage Therapy for Arthritis

    Over 20% of Canadian adults suffer from some form of arthritis, and the likelihood of suffering from arthritis only increases with age. Arthritis can cause significant pain which can greatly impact … more

  • Massage Therapy for Cancer Pain

    People with cancer experience a variety of potentially debilitating symptoms both as a part of their treatment and as part of the disease itself. Many people with cancer experience pain, fatigue and … more

  • Back Pain Facts and Myths

    Back Pain Facts and Myths

    Back pain is common – up to 80% of Canadians will experience back pain at least once in their adult life. Despite how common it is a lot of misinformation exists about what … more

  • Infographic: Massage Therapy for Seniors

    This infographic outlines the benefits of massage therapy for conditions commonly associated with aging. This includes the benefits of massage therapy for strokes, dementia and arthritis.            … more

  • Meet Carol

    Carol has been able to try new things, like surfing in Hawaii.

    Carol, 55, likes to remain active and she relies on massage therapy to help her continue doing what she loves.

    Her work as a Line … more