Contents tagged with pain

  • Factors that Influence Pain Experience

    You’ve likely seen two patients come into your practice with similar injuries, but with entirely different concerns and pain experiences. This is because an injury someone experiences or any other … more

  • The Importance of RMTs Understanding Pain

    Most people visit a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) because they’re experiencing pain and are seeking treatment to help them relieve that pain. The RMT will assess their patient’s condition and … more

  • The Importance of Exercise for Pain Management

    One in five Canadians suffer from chronic pain. When also considering acute injuries, it is likely that most Canadians will experience some sort of pain in their lifetime. Now, more than ever, … more

  • Massage Therapy for Cancer Pain

    People with cancer experience a variety of potentially debilitating symptoms both as a part of their treatment and as part of the disease itself. Many people with cancer experience pain, fatigue and … more